Ausblick auf den Campo San Silvestro.
Inge auf dem Rauchbalkon unserer Wohnung.
Geplauder nach dem guten Frühstück.
Der Turm auf dem Markusplatz ist imposant.
Die drei Damen am ersten Tag auf dem Markusplatz.
Schokolade und Kaffee im Cafe Quadry.
Erika und Anne im Quadry.
Und noch ein Foto.
So ginge nun die ganze Woche. Um 10.00 war Abmarsch. Kostümiert als Casanova mit seinen Rokokodamen oder nur als Touristen. Wir waren auf der Insel Merano und haben wunderschöne Glasarbeiten gesehen, natürlich auch tonnenweise Kitsch. Aber es war traumhaft.
Inge und Anne.
Und jeden Tag gingen wir kostümiert aus. Leider wurde das Wetter dann schlechter, das heisst der Wind, die Bora begann zu blasen. Und jetzt war es eisig kalt. Man musste immer wieder in Geschäfte gehen um sich etwas aufzuwärmen. Aber kostümiert waren wir gern gesehene Gäste. Wir bekamen, besonders von Einheimischen viele Komplimente. Wir sahen natürlich auch wunderschön aus.So ist die Woche dann auch im handumdrehen vorbei gewesen. Aber es war wunderschön. Ich werde sicher wenn es möglich ist ein weiteres mal am Carnevale mitmachen.
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Etwas geschafft.
Von der Akademia Brücke nach Süden.
Die drei Geheimnissvollen auf dem Markus Platz.
Nochmals meine drei Schönheiten.
Beim bummeln als Touristen.
It's a long journey across the Alps, through the Po Valley to Venice on the Adriatic. But we are well traveled and well received. The car is put into the car park and now have all the baggage to the first bridge then the vaporetto and then are fortunately only a short distance on the Campo San Silvestro. On the second floor we have a beautiful apartment overlooking the Campo. Anne is already there. They came by plane from Germany. Otherwise, here are engineers, Erika and me. For dinner, we go out. Just around the corner according to our guidebook is a good spot with locals Spetzialitäten. Unfortunately, the somewhat limited space and we are sitting right on the track of the waiters. And the Venetian liver, there is not noted on the menu like polenta but I'll take it at least semolina, white and geschmaklos. But the liver and vegetable soup were very good. And the ladies were very happy with the food you got. About the price, we are silent.
Von der Akademia Brücke nach Norden.
The first night all slept very well. The apartment is spacious and well-pool heated. Because it is very cold in the city.
On the first day of vacation, there was a nice breakfast with lots of chatter. At 10:00 we were ready. All dressed and ready for its first outing, dressed in the city. For this moment Inge and Erika have long worked. For days and tried sewing. My contribution was very small.
And it was an experience. We are spatziert on the Rialto Bridge, through the narrow streets to the Piazza San Marco. And we were also duly admired. And photographed. It really began in St. Mark's Square. "Can I make a photo, please" at the most we had heard. Because, unfortunately, there were almost no other masks we were shamelessly exploited. Next Christmas, we will certainly be in hundreds of photo books all over the world under the Christmas tree. There is something to get used
in need. Fortunately, even the sun was shining, the fact it was not so cold. Back home there was a hot soup to warm us again.
So now would go the whole week. At 10:00 was set off. Dressed as Casanova with his rococo ladies or just as tourists. We were on the island of Merano and have beautiful glass work seen, of course, tons of trash. But it was fantastic. And every day we went out in costume. Unfortunately the weather became worse, which means the wind, the Bora began to blow. And now it was freezing cold. You always had to go into shops to warm up a bit. But we were welcome guests in costume. We got many compliments especially from locals. We saw, of course, also very beautiful.
So the week is then in no time had passed. But it was beautiful. I'm sure if it is possible to join a second time at Carnevale.
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